
Rich text notes are used to annotate topics. You can easily create new note, and format it to record more details:

To Add notes to a topic:
  1. Select a topic.
  2. Open the pop-out dialog with one of the following ways.
    • Press 'F4'.
    • Click notes iconnotes on the toolbar.
    • Right-click the mouse, select 'Notes'.
  3. Type your notes in the notes dialog.
  4. Click "Ctrl(Command)+Enter" to save notes and close the dialog.

Note: "Ctrl+Enter" is not available on Linux at present.

Notes Dialog

To Format existing notes:
  1. Open the Pop-up notes dialog, and press "F4" again to open the Notes View.
  2. Use the notes toolbar to edit these attributes:
    • Text font, size, type, alignment, color.
    • Background color.
    • Insert Images.
    • Insert Hyperlink
  3. If you type the sentence like "" in the notes, XMind will format it as a hyperlink automatically.

Notes View Toolbar

Hyperlink Dialog

Context Menu

To Open the Hyperlink in the Notes
  1. Open the Notes View
  2. Press the Ctrl(Command on Mac) key, and click the link

Note: You can only insert local image into topic notes.


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