Task Info

XMind Pro is not good at clarifying thinking and managing complex information, but also project management. In taskinfo view, we can add more detailed inforamtion to a task. And it can help us to perform better on management. Actually, we can add people who is responsible for this task, start/end date, duration, task's priority, predecessors and the progress.

  1. Select a topic, and open TaskInfo View by clicking "View - Task Info".
  2. Then, we can see and change the following information in the view:
    • Task: This is the content of selected Task;
    • Assigned to: Select or input the people who are responsible for this task;
    • StartDate/EndDate: Select the proper date for this task. You can even set an exactly time if required;
    • Duration: This shows how many days you can finish this task. You can set it directly too.
    • Progress: Move the slide to change task progress;
    • Priority: Select proper priority level for this task in the drop-down list;
    • Predecessors: Click the plus button to add a predecessor to selected task.
    • Check Point: Enable this check box will now show Progress information in the Gantt Chart View.

TaskInfo View

Task Dependency

In a project, we always meet the requirement to insert a dependency relation among the tasks. Now, you can achieve this in XMind with few simple steps.

  1. Select task A
  2. Open TaskInfo View by clicking "View - Show TaskInfo" from the menu
  3. Scroll down to Predecessors field, and click Plus button

    TaskInfo View

  4. Choose the task B in the coming Task Dependency dialog
  5. Confirm the Dependency type,
    • Finish to Start, Task A can't be started until Task B is finished.
    • Start to Finsih, Task A can't be finished until Task B is started.
    • Start to Start, Task A can't be started until Task B is started.
    • Finish to Finish, Task A can't be finished until Task B is finished.
  6. Click ok to finish

Task Dependency Dialog
TaskInfo View

Note: All information added in taskinfo view will be shown in Gantt View.


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